Today, marketing is about telling stories that energize your audience… that causes them to nod their collective heads in agreement with the things you believe and say. Your stories must first get someone’s attention and then maintain that attention.
But in today’s fire hose content generation world, it’s getting harder to break through the noise and rise above. The key to success is to help your audience members achieve their goals — move them from their point A to their point B. You need to provide value in a way that transforms and builds trust.
One of the best ways to do that is with motion content. Motion content — essentially video and animation — has the power to both attract, communicate and connect with your web visitors… better than just words and static images on a page.
The marketer’s role today is more like what a TV show producer was thirty years ago. It’s about delivering your content in a way that creates an emotional connection and a curiosity to tune in again next week. It’s not about jamming a message down a viewer’s throat before they change the channel.
Motion content delivers both the explicit and implicit communication that will cause your audience to choose to consume your content. But most marketers end up generating eye candy that falls short of delivering on the efficiency potential — accelerated high impact in a small package. Smart marketers know the quality and helpfulness of their content communicate volumes about their brand and level of trust.
Over the coming months, Intellegy will be exploring and illustrating “best practices” for using motion and animation to make your web audience happy and returning to your site for more.